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Small shops and centers make great stops along the way -

Now we come to my favorite pastime: shopping. I really couldn't resist the opportunity to chat about the great shops, malls, and malls that Seattle, Washington is teeming with. The shopping alone is enough to attract a visit in my opinion, even without the many other good things this city has to offer.

Whether you're interested in art, clothes, shoes, chocolate or wines, there's plenty to keep you busy for a long time. 

Seattle Pike Place Market
Seattle Pike Place Market

Don't forget that you will need space in your luggage or to send new purchases home. There are also baggage weight limits when traveling by air, so be careful about how much you plan to take with you. Before shopping, it's a good idea to find a UPS store or PO Box, etc., where you can ship your purchases home.

Seattle's number one shopping destination is Pike Place Market. This market has a history as rich as the city itself. It has experienced immigration, imprisonment and many other processes over the last century. Be sure to learn more about its history while you're there. I love Pike Place because you can get fresh food here, which we usually do without on vacation. It's not so much a place to buy souvenirs as a place to buy more food.

If you're shopping for art or antiques, Pioneer Square is the place to be. On the first Thursday of the month, Pioneer Square sponsors a gallery tour beginning at 6:00 p.m. Shops, galleries and restaurants stay open later and host art tours. It's a really great place to shop for gifts, treats and ideas. I hope you have a lot of fun with this program.

I have been a lover of books since I was little. I can think of few things I'd rather do for my kids or myself than a good book or two. In fact, I often have trouble limiting my purchases to one or two. Of all the wonderful bookstores around the country, I found Elliot Bay Book Company to be one of the most exciting. I highly recommend visiting this shop if you get the chance. I believe you will really enjoy what you see here.

There are also many stores in Seattle that offer the usual anchor stores and even a few specialty and luxury stores. I tend to avoid those looking for shops and stores that are more intimate and cosy. I know not everyone feels the same way and these big malls make many travelers happy. I just can't get much joy out of something I can do at home on vacation. Maybe I'm surprised.

I hope to give you some shopping ideas that you may not have noticed among the many options for spending your dollars in Seattle. Take the time to look around the small shops rather than the big, flashy signs that often attract attention. Small shops will offer something much more than the big chains will ever offer, personal service. It has become a lost art in today's society, but I hope we see a comeback by visiting businesses like these.


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